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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Today I wrote a few pages of story for the comic book that I've been working on. After that, I did some blue line penciling and then started the pencils for the page. I felt pretty productive, but I was actually redoing a page that I was unhappy with. So, I guess technically I was spinning my wheels on the art. That's okay. It's going to look a lot better.

Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm Never Going to Finish This Project!!!

Well, it looks like I may still be drawing a few more pieces of Christian art. However, I am drawing in my comfort zone. I drew the hand of Jesus coming out of the clouds as the guy wanted and he loved it. But then... the next day I was told that they want me to have an animated hand coming out of the sky and touching someone on the shoulder. How do you animate a charcoal drawing??? This hand alone took me 3 hours! I explained how animation works and the guy says "huh.... we should meet up and discuss things. Hold off on drawing until then". What a hack. Oh well. I made some cool drawings that I can give away to someone who will appreciate them. I'm not sure what's going on with this project.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Future

I think that my future is unwritten. Just like the fortune on that fortune cookie. Yes, that's supposed to be a fortune cookie. I actually like this drawing. It came out just like I wanted it to. It was for a class I took once. Anyway, I am wrapping up the work on this supposed music video and I'm getting back to work on my own stuff. I have a few small things to draw for friends, but that's it. I'm not sure I drew what the guy wanted and I'm actually not too concerned about it. Religious art is cool in it's own way but it's not really my style. I couldn't get into it. And that actually worries me. If I have trouble drawing things that I don't want to draw, how will I ever make it professionally? I guess I should just stick to my own style and leave it at that. If someone wants cartoony I can try and deliver. If anyone else ever asks for some serious religious art I'll have to pass. This was too much stress.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Religious Art Thing

The situation is this; I was approached by a friend of a friend about making art for a music video. I like music videos and I think it would be cool to work on one. Awesome. But, my contact has been really vague about what it is I'm supposed to be doing. It took 2 months of thinking things of ideas, that by the time I finally got around to emailing him back, I found that my ideas were not on the right track. What I have found out is that I'm supposed to be drawing these classic country/southern/Johnny Cash/Christian type images. That's all the description I have been given. I don't know about this. I really want to make art, but I don't know how legit this guy can be. I made one sketch and it was okay, I suppose. But, I'm not really motivated to do more. I think I am supposed to draw a hand coming out of the sky now. I suppose I'll get on it because I know that many commercial artists have to draw things that they are not really inspired by. And it's not that God doesn't inspire me, it's that I don't want to waste my time on this project if it's not going to pan out, when I have so many other things I could be working on. Have I mentioned that I still haven't met this guy face to face? Well, I guess that's the way it goes.